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Beautiful bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, reception or videography
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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
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Writing a funeral ceremony tribute

When a loved one dies, the Vicar or Celebrant leading the funeral usually meets with you to create a profile based on standard questions. Whilst this method has its uses, I offer an alternative way of creating a central funeral ceremony tribute: I write with the words of nominated contributors who have written answers to specially created bespoke questions.

Being able to write your memories, thoughts and feelings down privately, in your own time and space, can enable you to capture everything you want more effectively.

I then take all our nominated contributors’ answers to my questions and interweave your words, thereby creating one seamless piece of writing in loving tribute.

As my 500+ testimonials make clear, the result is so much more nuanced, vivid and true to life than anything written with notes from a time-limited verbal interaction.

‘The lovely bespoke tribute Hannah created with our family’s words in honour of my wife’s funeral was very precious. An amazing centrepiece which made for an excellent service, it was written beautifully and really captured her. Hannah did her proud.’
Barrie + family

The heart of your ceremony, your tribute would lift the whole occasion, performed by your officiant e.g. the Vicar, or a family member or friend.

It’s a beautiful thing to join together in writing a funeral ceremony tribute, whether family or friends, knowing you have the words forever afterwards too.

My fee depends on length and how many nominated contributors there are, but £350 (2,000 words/few) – £500 (2,000 words/multiple) gives a idea of a possible range.

Bear in mind this amount can also be divided between our contributors with everyone paying a share, thereby making the overall fee easier to find.

Hannah Wroe Gill | Words and Wisdom

See my brochure for my full range

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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
Contact me