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Beautiful bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, reception or videography
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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
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Write your own funeral ceremony

Whatever your reason for wanting to write your own funeral ceremony – simply because the idea appeals, deciding to get your affairs in order or living with a serious illness or difficult prognosis – the act of exploring your options, expressing emotions and confirming your wishes can be soothing in itself.

I can support you to whatever extent is appropriate: whether working closely, writing actual text with your words, or playing more of an ancillary part.  

Either way, an engaged but once removed professional perspective can prove invaluable when you are faced with such an emotive, personal and often complex task.

You may know exactly what you want or just what you don’t – a creative partner as sounding board, inspiration and advisor can be essential regardless.

‘We have both said that your professionalism and heartfelt passion to create a unique ceremony shone through, and touched not only our hearts, but the hearts of all our guests and family. There wasn’t a dry eye in the place!’

My 500+ testimonials illustrate the difference such a role can make, not only to the resulting ceremony but also to your experience of creating it.

We would have the added benefit of my real life ceremony training and performance, so you’d know any advice I give is grounded in experience.

Wishing to write your own funeral ceremony can be an upsetting subject for some loved ones to engage with – this way you get the necessary support without the emotional toll.

My fees would reflect my level of involvement e.g. ~£60 – an hour’s pre-prepared consultancy session or ~£600 for a fully developed script.

Hannah Wroe Gill | Words and Wisdom

See my brochure for my full range

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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
Contact me