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Beautiful bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, reception or videography
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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
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Bespoke declarations

Joyful as they are, weddings can be emotionally intense, so it’s wise to balance your wedding ceremony with individual, humorous and even surprise touches. Bespoke declarations are the perfect solution: a chance to speak freely, in a natural way true to you, before making your more formal promises.

Though intended to add a sense of spontaneity to proceedings, we’d still take the time to work out what you want to say in advance.

Short or long, unique wedding vow ideas like these can take various forms: listing your favourite things about each other or summing up your feelings as you prepare to marry.

I usually help clients agree an outline and ideal length before they start, then act as editor, confidentially comparing drafts so we’re sure they’ll work.

‘Delighted with how it went, the ceremony was everything we could have wished for. We’ve really enjoyed the whole journey with you: it has certainly made us think about our relationship and what we want out of our future together.’
Beccy + Mark

500+ testimonials capture how bespoke writing can create standout moments couples really enjoy designing, writing and delivering, their guests relishing the impact ‘live’ as well.

This means you get to look forward to the big reveal without running the risk of your styles jarring, incompatibility of content or any repetition.

Declarations aren’t the same as vows, but if you wanted to include some serious promises alongside more light-hearted observations, the contrast can work very well.

Cost will be governed by whether we’re considering short and sweet unique wedding vow ideas (~£50) or something a little more developed (~£80) – just ask me for examples.

Hannah Wroe Gill | Words and Wisdom

See my brochure for my full range

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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
Contact me