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Beautiful bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, reception or videography
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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
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Bespoke funeral and memorial ceremony scripts

Organising a funeral for a loved one is a significant responsibility undertaken at what is often a stressful and overwhelming time. The support of an experienced professional, used to creating both bespoke funeral ceremony scripts and bespoke memorial ceremony scripts, can ease your burden.

Listening to your ideas and absorbing any decisions already taken, my role would be to create a written core ceremony text using nominated contributors’ words.

You would first choose who those contributors were and then I would design suitable questions for them to answer in tribute to your family member or friend.

500+ testimonials speak to the quality of the writing resulting from this unequalled creative process, words that form the emotional centre of the personalised ceremony script itself.

‘Everyone was blown away and we’re just so grateful they were able to feel as though they knew our baby boy. Your incredible talent enabled that. He was so special, so loved, it means the world that we shared this.’
Sarah + Alex

Always gauged appropriately, my questions would also be structured in an achievable way – time and again contributors have shared how much they appreciate the opportunity.

My personalised funeral ceremony scripts suit any non-religious funeral service, whether held in a crematorium or other location, led by someone with experience or none.

All of the above could be easily adapted to suit any memorial ceremony too – more time often meaning greater involvement from more people is possible.

Our fee would be determined by how many people are contributing and the overall length we’re aiming for, but £420 – £680 offers a useful reference point.

Hannah Wroe Gill | Words and Wisdom

See my brochure for my full range

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I offer a comprehensive bespoke writing service: versatile bespoke writing to enhance any ceremony, wedding reception or videography - including legally compliant wedding scripts (Words and Wisdom)…one-of-a-kind humanist ceremonies (Your Three Days)...and custom-made text commissions you can frame, style or photo book (Portraits in Prose). 100+ pages of outstanding testimonials. I celebrated my 10th anniversary in 2020. Numerous bespoke texts created and 375+ ceremonies designed, writtten and led. Everything I write is born from an innovative creative method, unique to my approach. You can’t find the same experience anywhere else.Exceptional. Affordable. Unforgettable.
Hannah Wroe Gill
Contact me